Page 9 - CWA COVID-19 Coverage
Restaurant Edition
Part 1
P. 9
through hand written notes or thank you While we have built our own platform, which
emails the following day or simply changing has helped take 80% of our orders per day, we
our offerings weekly to keep guests engaged. still remain on all the major platforms as well.
This is mostly so that diners can find us easily.
How is the restaurant coping with operating
expenses - overheads, rentals, delivery cost, I would 100% recommend for everyone to build
packaging, employee welfare, salaries and their own and invest in their own infrastructure
benefits? How much has the three Budgets and market the heck out of it. We foresee
(Resilience, Unity and Solidarity) helped for this being an asset to us even post COVID-19. COVID-19 + RESTAURANT
What are the restaurant’s plans moving
We are extremely fortunate to be operating a forward? Have there been any challenges
restaurant in Singapore. We are originally from adjusting to the situation now, and how did
New York and when we talk to our friends and you get through or resolve the issue? What did
colleges back there, they don’t have a lifeline. you and the team learn from the experience?
The government support has been a life raft that I believe as a restaurant, we will need
has not only helped us to keep our doors open, but to be proficient in both dine-in culture
also keep our staff employed. Obviously with the and at-home services moving forward.
reduced operations and revenue, some of our staff
have opted for shorter working hours and slight I think we are most proud of our “Cook at Home”
temporary pay reductions, but we have put together pasta options and “Bake at Home” lasagne packs.
grocery packages at our expense for them to take These have had amazing feedback and we love
home weekly to help offset some of their needs. how guests have had so much fun preparing
these at home. It is heart-warming to see people
We were also very lucky to have a landlord who cook our food and send videos and photos to us.
was proactive and supportive in our needs to assist When it comes to the staff, I think I’ve learned the
us to get through this period. This is certainly most about them during this time. The way they
not something I can say about all landlords. have stepped up and never say no to anything
has made me incredibly proud. You really see
How do you feel about delivery platforms who what people are made of in times of crisis.
are currently working together with restaurants
to help deliver food all over Singapore? Are Some establishments are using the hashtag
there aspects where they can do better? #savefnbsg in social media during this time
to document and motivate people to support
I have always felt that these platforms are best as a the FnB industry. Do you think a hashtag
marketing tool rather than a way to get your food to like this is a good way of Singaporeans
your guests. A lot has been said about the fees they understanding the plight or situation that
charge and I think if you are reliant solely on them, are befalling FnB operators in Singapore?
business is unsustainable. My wife (and business
partner) taught herself how to build our in house The coalition put together under #savefnbsg
delivery platform in one day and we worked quickly has been incredibly helpful for the industry and
to set up our own infrastructure to deal with this. we are grateful to those who have organized
and mobilized under this hashtag. The hashtag
Of course these platforms could do better but like has created a unity around Singapore’s F&B,
everything in business, if you wait for someone to both on the industry level and customer level.
do something for you, you are already too late.
The F&B industry was tasked to become more
If you are currently using (a) delivery platform(s), sustainable and eco-friendly in their menus
what have you been using? Can you rate them based before the virus. Now, is this challenge becoming
on delivery, efficiency, costs? Are there any other more difficult with the use of packaging and
factors that you want to include during this time? utensils for takeaway? Does sustainability take a
backseat with this pandemic and is it justifiable?