Page 6 - CWA COVID-19 Coverage
Restaurant Edition
Part 1
P. 6
How do you feel about delivery platforms who providing them with our personalised service.
are currently working together with restaurants
to help deliver food all over Singapore? Are We are currently striving to bring the Sicilian
there aspects where they can do better? experience and hospitality to the comfort of our
guests’ home. During this unusual period, we have
Delivery platforms provide great benefits to F&B come to understand the importance of e-commerce.
partners, such as the size of the market they
cater to and the efficiency of ordering and of Do you think the elements of how some
customer management; however they are now restaurants are operating at the moment
monopolising the current market and they are will become the norm in the future?
taking a big chunk of the restaurants’ profits.
The current situation has brought many changes
Hence, we have decided to opt out of these to the way restaurants (and companies in general)
delivery platforms and we have organized operate. We are learning new ways to operate our
and set up our own delivery platform through business, even when dining-in is not allowed. We
our website. In addition, we are collaborating have set up and improved our delivery services
with local taxi drivers to provide some sort of and this is something we will keep doing. However,
support to them as well during this period. we think that this new operating procedure will
not be the norm, because, at the end of the day,
What are the restaurant’s plans moving the experience restaurants provide is at its best
forward? Have there been any challenges on site and we look forward to being able to
adjusting to the situation now, and how did see our guests enjoying their dining experience
you get through or resolve the issue? What did with us and in the environment we provide.
you and the team learn from the experience?
Some establishments are using the hashtag
We are taking this time for Research & #savefnbsg in social media during this time
Development, constantly improving ourselves, to document and motivate people to support
looking forward to bringing an enhanced dining the F&B industry. Do you think a hashtag
experience to our customers. Being in the like this is a good way of Singaporeans
hospitality business, what we miss the most is understanding the plight or situation that
to personally meet and serve our guests, while are befalling F&B operators in Singapore?