Page 36 - CWA MAY-JUNE 2020-v2
P. 36
餐 For some, it might be difficult to reconcile
having four different heads of leadership
饮 in a company, especially when ¾ of the
team happen to be in the same family,
世 but the team manages through time and
the willingness to respect the opinions of
the other people. Mr Murjani has been a
界 part of the leadership team for the past
five years, and he’s the first to admit
that it takes time to find a rhythm. “We
found it, by respecting and recognising
each person’s area of strength and
experience,” he surmises. “Today, we
have a strong leadership team in place
that extends beyond the four of us.”
So how does a company that sets itself
under a set branding make sure all aspects
are unified and identifiable as Violet Oon
Singapore? It starts within the team itself.
So how are some establishments working on bucking BECOME OUR AMBASSADORS
the trends for leadership and communication FOR OUR BRAND,” the CEO explains. This is
within the kitchen? Some establishments like Violet something that takes time and effort to train, and
Oon Singapore have that answer. No longer does Mr Murjani cautions that there aren’t short cuts
the chef have the major say in what goes on in the to build this consistent branding. “It takes vision,
restaurant. the team is led by four different leaders discipline and tremendous effort to continuously
that include Mr Manoj Murjani, CEO, Chairman and ensure that the brand principles and values are
co-creator of Violet Oon Singapore. He embodies in place. I have been fortunate to be raised in
this role alongside Chef Violet Oon, Chef & Culinary a family that understands how to build global
Curator of Violet Oon Singapore and the face brands, which I am confident Violet Oon Singapore
behind the name; and Chef Oon’s children Tay Su will be. We hope to make Singapore proud.”
Lyn, Creative Director; and Tay Yi Ming, Head of
Operations. Mr Murjani is recognised by many as 如果是个家族品牌的企业,你又是否知道如何
the brand visionary of Violet Oon Singapore. So 经营呢?常言道,相见容易同住难,更何况家
what does it mean then, for a man of his experience 人一起工作,是情或理又要如何区分开来。本
leading a company like Violet Oon Singapore? 地的知名品牌连锁餐厅Violet Oon Singapore就
“It carries a responsibility, to lead by example.” 都会放下自己的身段,一切以餐厅的利益为出
Mr Marjani admits, via e-mail interview. “At Violet 发点,并确保拥有良好的沟通来达成共识。大
Oon Singapore, we have a truly dynamic leadership 家都知道一个品牌的建立并非是一朝一夕的事
team. My nature is not to ever be complacent, 情,而且也没有捷径,所以只有真正的愿意付
to always think of ‘What’s next?’, and challenge 出,和保持对这行的热诚才能走的长长久久。
the team for ways in which we can improve, pg034-035 13.kuay pie tie pg036 14. Mr Manoj M Murjani
both our offering and customer experience.” (credits to Violet Oon Singapore)