Page 32 - CWA MAY-JUNE 2020-v2
P. 32
“For me, as I’ve grown and become more mature, female. Another year two student, Shanice Lim, has
I’ve found that the behaviour you’ve exhibited as faced micro-aggressions where her gender and her
餐 a chef is going to be reflected in the people who chosen choice of career was questioned by some
饮 work under you,” Chef Gypsy Gifford, Assistant of the people around her, and has looked up how
violence can occur in the kitchen towards female
Professor of the Culinary Arts at the Culinary
chefs. Nur Ainun Sorfina Binte Mohd Jarir Jumaen,
Institute of America says philosophically. We are
世 sitting in one of the classrooms they are made a year two student, mentioned being questioned
about her capabilities to work in a kitchen freely
avail to, in the premises of Temasek Polytechnic.
界 “One of the best things about being a chef is that due to her wearing the tudung/hijab, and the
you’re literally putting together a squad automatic assumption that she can or
of people that will help you create cannot handle certain ingredients,
these things, and together you like pork, or wine. She’s also
can rely on each other’s observed that sometimes
experience to think of the assumptions and
different techniques expectations about
that can be applied,” her capabilities can
she explains. “There make her doubt
should be open herself and the
conversation and motive behind
open dialogue the assumptions.
about ideas in the Luckily, the chefs
kitchen, where at the kitchen are
people can feel free open and more
to be vulnerable, to inclusive nowadays,
not be shot down, and Sorfina mentions
and to be curious about the chefs giving
learning experiences.” alternative ingredients
or ideas to work with.
But the drawbacks that are
causing people to not be able to E HAVE TO HAVE
pursue a long-term career in the industry “WAN AWARENESS
can still hit. Harassment is still a point of contention OF OUR PERSONAL HEALTH, AND
in many kitchens, including gender discrimination,
mental health issues, and and Chef Gifford PERSONAL STABILITY. AND THERE’S A
who has been in many a tense kitchen herself, LOT OF GREAT CONVERSATION THESE
wanted to change that. She has overwatched 7 DAYS ABOUT MAINTAINING THE
years of classes graduate and proceed into the HEALTH OF INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS.”
workplace, and wanted to make sure that the
kitchens she led, as well as the students she 美国烹饪学院的导师吉普赛•吉福德就分享
taught, were in positive spaces to stay curious 到,栽培下一代厨师是她的使命,她说,你
and stay interested about the work they did. 只管他们还是你的学生时用心的去教,因为
Interviewing the students reveal that they are aware 教育是一辈子的事,活到老学到老,即便目
of some aspects that have discouraged other chefs to 前身为老师的她,依然要不断的学习来充实
continue working, including gender discrimination, 自己。让学生能勇敢表达自己的想法,以沟
and stereotypes that have persisted, whether 通来达到了解的目地,让学生提高学习的好
overtly or through micro-aggression. Student 奇心是她想教育下一代的,唯有一开始就走
Thomasz Tiffany Bianca, who is a year two student 在正轨上,未来才不会走太多的冤枉路。而
doing a BBA Food Business Management, relates 要,一定要跳脱别人对新一代的看法。被视
a story where her Head Chef in an old restaurant 为草莓族,性别歧视或种族主义都影响着年
was automatically placed in Pastry because she was 轻一代的发展,她们认为要如何脱颖而出,