Page 29 - CWA MAY-JUNE 2020-v2
P. 29

xecutive  Chef  Massimo  Pasquarelli has   WANT TO MAKE SURE THE
                     been leading the kitchens at The  Ritz-  "I  TEAM RECOGNISES THE EFFORT
                     Carlton,  Millenia  Singapore for 8 years,   OF SOMEONE WHEN THEY DO
              Ebut the chef’s varied history from leading   WELL,"  he  explains.  "And  when  I  do,  no
               fine-dining  restaurants  and  restaurant  groups   one  in  the  team  can  disagree  or  talk  back."
               (like Alain DuCasse) for near three decades in                                             COVER + STORY
               different  countries  has  made  him  knowledgeable
               about  the  way  workplaces  and  how  leaders
               within  the  industry  recognise  the  skills  and
               work  of  their  teams  throughout  the  years.

               “Any  time  you  lead  a  group  of  people,  you  have
               to get into their soul, or into their mind sets and
               skills, in any way possible,” he explains. “So I have
               to be self-confident. If you believe in yourself and
               what leadership is about, you can make it happen.”
               One of the reasons the chef didn’t direct as much
               within  the  first  3  months  of  his  leadership  was
               because  he  was  more  focused  on  listening  to
               what the chefs he was working were like, and he
               wanted to make sure he was 100% sure he knew
               how he was addressing the team before he did so.

               How  does  a  hotel  with  a  huge  kitchen  team  like
               Ritz-Carlton  recognise  the  different  chefs’  skills
               and challenge them to go further? By practice, and
               having the humility to see how they can do better.
               “Every week, we do a taste-panel and launch seven
               new  dishes,  which  goes  into  our  recipe  bank,”
               explains Chef Pasquarelli. “WE GO AND TRY
               RECIPES GO INTO THE NEXT MENU.              新加坡丽思卡尔顿酒店的行政总厨                  Massimo
               WE KEEP CHALLENGING OURSELVES.              Pasquarelli就分享到,他从事厨师这个行业已
               WE  MAY  BE  A  PART  OF  THE  RITZ-        以前当学厨的他不太一样,以前严师出高徒,
               CARLTON BRAND, BUT WE HAVE TO               但现今这个时代更讲究的是人性化的工作方
               KEEP REMEMBERING THAT THERE                 式,了解你团队里的成员才能知己知彼。成为
               ARE PEOPLE WHO MIGHT BE BETTER              锋陷阵,所以他必须以身作则,积极的面对每
               THAN US, OR HAVE BETTER RECIPES.”           一个挑战。他总会让新加入的成员有三个月的
               This emphasis on staying humble is something Chef   原因之一是因为这样才能够让他更加专注倾听
               Pasquarelli places huge importance on. He wants to   和观察到他们的工作态度。他即便是团队里“
               make sure any chef who works in his kitchen has no   老大”但他送给我们一句金玉良言是:满招损
               qualms about learning as much as possible, without
               having an inflated sense of ego. He works with his   pg026-027 1. lobster curry by Chef Karthikeyan Kumaresan
               team as much as possible, working with them not   with Chef Massimo Pasquarelli
               just in the kitchens but also organising and being   pg030  from  left  to  right  2.  Chef  Angela  Seo,  Chef  Ong
               a part of the operations during events such as the   Chin Peng, Chef Ong Kim  Hui, Chef Benton Toh, Chef
               hotel's Brunch. He also wants to make sure that if   Massimo  Pasquarelli,  Chef  Sky Chang,  Chef  Karthikeyan
                                                           Kumaresan & Chef Desmond Ng pg029 3. pork chops by
               someone is recognised by the leaders for doing well,   Chef Desmond Ng with Chef Massimo Pasquarelli
               the team has to acknowledge it as well and agree.
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