Page 78 - Cuisine & Wine Asia 2020 - Mar/Apr 2020 Issue
P. 78





               2. soy beans fermenting the traditional way 3. the tour group
               at the end of the day  4. Chef Shaw serves his guests with
               aplomb and excellence
               perfection  &  preservation  of  traditional  Hunan
               cuisine  is  exemplary,”  he  explained,  and  goes
               on  to  explain  his  love  for  the  chef,  whose  skill
               included creating dishes with around 20 different
               ingredients,  and  the  most  sublime  pigeon.

               He was not the only one who agreed. In Singapore,
               Ricky  Ng,  who  is  the  Managing  Director  of  Blue
               Lotus  Concepts  International  Pte  Ltd,  can  only
               express his immense admiration of Chef Shaw and
               his team when hosting them in Singapore during the   Despite the fact that Mr Knipp had tasted a large
               various editions of the World Gourmet Summit. To   variety of Chinese cuisine in his culinary career, he
               him, any experience with Chef Shaw is a great one,   too was overwhelmed by the flavours experienced
               and Blue Lotus often accommodates reservations   in  this  event.  It  was  a  testament  to  how  chefs
               of Chef Shaw’s events weeks before they happen.    from all over Hunan take pride in their hometown.
               Famed chefs Jimmy Chang and Chef Clinton Zhu,   “I was simply bowled over by this farewell meal
               who have ties to the Taiwan and Shanghai culinary   of  immense  magnitude,”  Mr  Knipp  admitted.
               industry, both agreed that Chef Shaw and his team
               had  outdone  themselves  in  terms  of  hospitality,   If  the  pride  of  Hunan  has  to  be  measured  by
               culinary skill and over experience was unanimous.    something,  it  clearly  has  to  be  centered  on
                                                           their  food  and  preserving  culinary  arts.  CH
               This experience was not just tied to Chef Shaw’s
               own restaurant at Tian Ran Tai 1908. A banquet   邵师傅对保留湖南菜的原味非常讲究,即便是
               dinner for Mr Knipp and his team was held at the   出国分享料理也从不马虎。好比当他来到新加
               Huo  Gong  Dian,  a  2000-year-old  historic  temple   坡介绍湖南菜的时候,就由蓝莲花集团的董事
               turned restaurant located in the city of Changsha,   长吴志雄先生来接待邵师傅,他对于邵师傅认
               Hunan.  Organised  by  the  Hunan  Restaurants   真的看待他的食材和烹煮的观点都是非常谨
               and  Chefs  Association,  the  dinner  menu  was   慎,吴先生也说,邵师傅的每道料理中都有他
               conceptualized  with  dishes  that  would  have   的烹调概念,实在是一位不可多得的厨师。希
               been served to dignitaries, presidents and VIPs.   望邵师傅能把湖南菜带往更多的地方。志伟
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