Page 81 - Cuisine & Wine Asia 2020 - Mar/Apr 2020 Issue
P. 81
2. inside Efun Culinary Education 轶帆烹饪教育 GO + SHANGHAI
hina is the most populous country
with nearly 1.4 billion residents.
The country is known for its bustling 朱先生所选用的因材施教的方针,融合国内教
Cindustries: from science and technology, 育大纲和海外国际教育所编写的教材,制定出
to astronomy and maths, production and 一套独一无二的课程。并且也通过在餐饮业界
manufacturing, even the culinary and hospitality 里的知名人士所组办的国际竞赛,让学生们有
scene is receiving recognition for its versatility “舞台” 经验。
in skillsets and creating game changers.
There are many culinary schools in China, 饪学校均有知名的厨师来授课,但问题存在于
each offering courses by renowned chefs 许多的学校并没有为学生提供中国以外的烹饪
to the future generation of aspiring chefs. 知识,这是相当可惜的。所以朱先生的办学理
However, Chef Clinton Zhu, a pioneer in China’s 念就是回归基础烹饪的原点。
gastronomy scene realised that there was a gap
in these institutions – they did not offer students 他承诺会将最好,最有效的厨艺课程和学生分
knowledge of the culinary scene outside of China. 享,而且他也认为每一位进来学厨的学生都会
This was the intention of Chef Zhu when he 负,就是通过自己的厨艺和技能去实现自己的
started the Efun Culinary Education. When 人生价值。志伟
Chef Zhu participated as a judge in over 40
international culinary competitions across Asia,
he was exposed to the Western food scene, and 培养高职业素养的
picked up life lessons like operation techniques
and models during his time there. He also 中国西餐厨师人才
participated in countless overseas events, and is
an avid follower of the World Gourmet Summit.