Page 77 - Cuisine & Wine Asia 2020 - Mar/Apr 2020 Issue
P. 77

t helps that Chef Shaw also has an international                                        GO + HUNAN
                  audience. The masterchef, a regular participant
                  of the World Gourmet Summit, often promotes
              Itraditional  Hunan  cuisine.  During  those
               showcases, Chef Shaw seizes the opportunity to
               showcase  Hunan  products  and  ingredients,  like
               Dragon Brand Soy Sauce. Produced by a company
               with  a  280-year-old  traditional  brewing  history,
               Dragon Brand makes soy sauce in the traditional
               method,  handed  down  from  generation  to
               generation of craftsmen. This company is popular
               amongst chefs across China, particularly in Hunan,   2. Chef Shaw (middle), seen with his team and Mr Ricky Ng
                                                           from Blue Lotus Chinese Eating House 3. at Huo Gong Dian
               and it’s a source of pride amongst chefs and   with entourage
               denizens there.   It’s this sort of pride that inspires   新马一代的百姓一谈到中餐,八九不离十的人
               those  who  taste  Hunan  cuisine.  With  years  of   都会认为中餐就是粤菜,但最近几年,我们开
               friendship from Chef Shaw’s support of the World   始听到湖南菜这词了。今天,我们就要带你走
               Gourmet  Summit  (WGS),  Mr  Peter  Knipp,  the   入一位传奇的湖南料理天王邵庆宏师傅的世
               publisher/editor-in-chief  of  Cuisine  &  Wine  Asia   界。邵师傅带着为了让更多人认识湖南菜的使
               and founder of the WGS, was inspired to go to   命,二零一九年就接受「世界美食峰会」的邀
               Hunan to explore the cuisine.  Chef Shaw hosted   请,带着他的团队飞来新加坡一展湖南菜的魅
               Mr Knipp, his wife, and various Taiwanese friends   力。今年邵师傅也邀请了世界美食峰会的创办
               of his entourage, down at Tian Ran Tai 1908 to try   人彼得克尼先生到湖南去探索当地的美食,也
               the  best  of  traditional  Hunan  cuisine,  as  well  as   借此机会介绍了历史悠久的龙牌酱油给彼得先
               various lunches and dinners at different locations.  生。大家都知道,每道料理都有它的灵魂调
               Mr  Knipp  has  never  been  shy  about  his  praise   料,而这拥有两百八十年的老字号酱油便是许
               for Chef Shaw. “(Chef Shaw’s) quest for     多料理的灵魂了。
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