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Is This The Right Label?

Singapore recently handed over 77,850 counterfeit empty bottles as well as 18 boxes of bottle caps and 10 boxes of labels to Diageo North America for destruction. The counterfeit items all bore the well-known Smirnoff label and were destined for...


Wine Master Class With Robert Parker

Famed wine critic Robert Parker will be in Singapore from 13th to 16th March for the Singapore leg of Wine Advocate’s Inaugural Grand World Tour 2014 in Asia. Featuring wines from Italy, there will be a series of events during...


Don’t Smile For That Coffee Photo

Portrait photographer Danny Santos II is widely-known for his street portraiture photography, where he asks his subjects not to smile. He believes that smiles are facades that hide the true feelings of a person. From 14th January to 10th March...


Best Of Instagram Food

Instagram has compiled a list of the best food oriented accounts to follow for the year 2014. Say goodbye to your new year’s resolution of eating less when you see the mouthwatering photographs taken by these individuals and posted online...


The ‘Gold’ Mandarin Orange

As Chinese New Year rolls around, people are going to start buying mandarin oranges in droves. What they may notice, however, is an increase in the prices. Due to droughts in China, where a lot of the supply for these...


Boosting Local Food Fish Production

As Singapore seeks to become increasingly self-sufficient, it has looked to boosting the production of food on her own territory. In line with this policy, Republic Polytechnic has just opened an aquaculture centre to teach and train students in their...


Gardening As Rehabilitation

At the medium-level security San Quentin State Prison, just outside San Francisco, prisoners can be seen tending to and growing food in gardens. Behind the steel fences and barbed wire, prisoners are given a new lease of life and opportunity...


Chinese New Year No Longer Exclusive

One might think that celebrating Chinese New Year would be exclusive to the Chinese people. Well not so anymore. Thailand, which has a large Thai-Chinese community, has also joined in, making the festivity nation-wide. In addition to traditional lion dances,...


Uniform Theme Made Its Way To Taiwan’s McDonald’s

Fans of Japanese anime and manga in Taiwan were rejoicing over the holiday break when McDonald’s decided to hire people to dress up as classic characters of Japanese anime and manga to serve as waitresses at their outlet just outside...


Places to Visit This Chinese New Year:

Restaurants Not To Be Missed 1. Boathouse Restaurant   Celebrate the Lunar New Year at Boathouse Restaurant in the Fullerton Waterboat House with French fare amid a classy setting from 27th January to 1st February....