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Food Eating Rituals Increase Enjoyment

Eating food is usually a pleasurable experience if the food is well cooked and tasty. However, it seems that the enjoyment we derive from eating food may not all be due to what we eat but also what we do...


Expired Food Given New Lease Of Life

Former president of Trader Joe’s, Doug Rauch, has a bold business plan to stop food wastage. It is estimated that up to forty percent of food produced in the US is wasted, equivalent to $165million being thrown away. The reason...


Benefits Of Red Wine

Plant compounds called flavonoids normally found in red wine have been found to lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes in people. The specific substances called flavones and anthocyanin are linked to lower insulin resistance and better blood sugar control....


East Takes Over Western Brewery

Japanese beverage giant Suntory recently acquired the bourbon maker Jim Beam in a $16million deal. Bourbon, an alcoholic drink with strong roots in Kentucky … There were initial fears that the Japanese company would start to alter the traditional process...


Australia Day At Intrepid Gastro Bar

Gather the lads for a night of good Aussie beers, wines and finger food while celebrating Australia Day at Intrepid Gastro Bar. The free flow of Australian spirits is priced at $58 per person. So come and relish the spirirt...


Appreciating Cultural Diversity

The Tamil harvest festival of Pongal is a festival that celebrates the abundance of the winter harvest and also the hope for a good crop in the coming year. It is not celebrated by many in Singapore, but still is...


Futuristic Calorie Counter

The latest weapon in the war against calories is a device that shoots a laser to reveal the constituents and calories in your meal. Called the TellSpec, it is a spectrometre that is able to derive all this information by...


Cutting Edge Technology In Food

More and more aspects of food production are being mechanised or computerised but mostly with regards to sorting, packaging and cooking large amounts. The art of cooking individual meals and producing aesthetically pleasing dishes still remains very much in the...


You Are What You Think After You Eat

“You are what you eat” is a phrase we hear all the time and it is correct for the most part. Scientifically, our bodies absorb food and use it for various bodily functions. However, equally important according to Alexis Conalson,...


Wild Goose Chase Over

Those used to eating goose regularly may have noticed a change in the taste or texture of the geese being served in Singapore over the past few years. This is no surprise as there has been a major shift of...