Page 42 - CWA MAY-JUNE 2020-v2
P. 42
Dine-in at Wheat Out Step into the home of Chef out their recipes in the market before
Suhardi Huang and hostess Carin Tay and you’re
in for a treat. The couple, who have opened their they make the full plunge; and
home to many guests at points in time, have made those who have grown jaded with
sure that the set up for their private dining space in the restaurant industry and want to
Wheat Out is classic yet elegant. The house is clearly cook what they want to make. It’s a
located in a secluded, yet lush neighbourhood. personal choice.” He details the trials of
heading a kitchen especially during rush hour back
That’s their intent, of course. Chef Huang and Ms when he was running restaurants, and the issues
Tay’s foray into private dining is partially selling the couple faced that affected their family time.
something that not many people dining out have
nowadays: peace and security at home, or at the They’re one of the few private dining establishments
very least someone else’s home. Chef Huang is that offer straight-up gluten free fare, due to one
clearly in his element cooking in his kitchen, and of their partners needing that dietary requirement,
he is comfortable discussing the elements of but they found that the gluten-free options had
his cooking style while sitting in his dining table, good health benefits as well, so Chef Huang and
alongside Ms Tay. Of course, there is a matter of Ms Tay serve their fare with pride. It’s more of a
hosting private dinners in a place where their lives challenge when Chef Huang is making Indonesian
reside, which include the two teenagers that they fare and pasta, but Chef Huang is experienced in
couple have. For that, Ms Tay and Chef Huang have making the best cuisine with dietary requirements.
set clear boundaries. guests foray upstairs to where
the bedrooms are,” Ms Tay explains. They also 在新加坡的荷兰村区域有栋私宅,这就是黄金龙
make sure that they reject bookings during select 师傅和他老婆Carin Tay的居所了。踏进这栋洋
weeks when the kids have tests or examinations, 房,你就能感受到女主人的热情款待,和一般上
and they try their best not to schedule dinners 所见的男主外女主内的不同点是,男主人金师傅
too late so the kids upstairs can get some rest. 都在内忙着料理私房菜,而女主人就在外招待客
One of the reasons why Chef Huang and Ms Tay 人,但这样的组合我非常喜欢。因为我觉得无论
made the decision to switch from their more 是在餐厅还是在家里,让客人有宾至如归的感觉
strenuous job running four restaurants to running a 相当重要,不然你煮的再好,配上的是冷冰冰的
central kitchen, alongside running this private dining 服务,下次你还会再来吗?拥有四家餐厅的金龙
endeavour, was to keep the family close. “Two types 到许多商业厨房用具,在他为客人安排私人的宴
of people run private dining restaurants.” He says 会上就可以事半功倍。真心希望这对餐饮界的神
candidly. “People who want to start up 雕侠侣组合可以继续辉煌下去。
a restaurant and are planning to test
pg038 1. sizzling prawns pg039 pg040 2. Chef Huang at
WWW.ASIACUISINE.COM work in his kitchen in the background