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What Does It Take To Be A Chef

Think you know what it takes to be a chef? We hear the truth from the horse’s mouth, as Jason Rivas, the chef de cuisine of E.A.T., speaks of his opinion of being a chef. Read about it at 


How Closely Do We Need To Follow Expiry Dates?

With over 25% of food being thrown out from our homes, are we being wasteful or have we just been misled by the labels? Food labels come with plenty of instructions, and the “expiry dates” are the ones people in...


Food Of Tomorrow: Insects

With food shortage problems arising, researchers have begun sourcing for alternative food sources, and the resulting findings prove to be creepy- creepy crawlies that is. The four-day “Insects to Feed the World Conference” has seen more than 450 researchers and...


Newest Asian Cuisine Trend: Filipino Food?

“Sushi Sushi!” Yells most foreigners when it comes to Asian food. It’s like the first food that comes to their minds. However, it might seem as though that Filipino Food may be the new black. writes about thoughts of...


Going Into The Dark Side

We are not trying to fan on religious discrimination but this guy might be onto something. Perhaps a highly controversial topic since the beginning of time, Muslim counterparts have been preparing food according to Halal standards. This is similar to...


Loving Chefs Celebrates Mother’s Day

Yes we know Mother’s Day was just over last Sunday, but some might be having a late celebration due to busy schedules or lacking of seats in restaurants. Instead of bringing your mums to a fancy restaurant, why not whip...


Brows Raised Over Ramsay’s Raising Hairlines

There has been buzz over Gordon Ramsay’s haircut. According to a hair loss expert, Ramsay seems to be trying to mask the back of his head, and his long fringe seems to be a cover-up for a certain follicle surgery...


Quenching Your Thirst: The New Way

S.Pellegrino is a commonly heard name especially with Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants and all. Now, they are on to a new project in collaboration with Cannes Film Festival in New York! Trattoria al Mare S.Pellegrino to prepare an aexceptional menu...


Restaurant For The Bald?

That is not a typo. It is not bold, but accurately meant to be “Bald”. Behold this new restaurant in Tokyo, Japan, that is encouraging you to open up to the fact of being bald. Being bald should not be...


The Best Hotel Restaurants In The US

The best hotels do not necessarily house the best restaurants, but here’s a list of those who do, and boy do I want to visit each and every one of them. Click here for more information. ...