Culinary classes for kids

by Ufairah Akram @ 17 Jul 2014
Culinary classes for kids It is always a treat to see children in the kitchen helping out their mothers to bake cookies or muffins. For some, this could just be a weekend activity to be involved in but there are those who love being in the kitchen as much as the playground. Wouldn’t it a divine to have a place where children can explore their culinary passion? That is happening at the McVey Innovative Learning Center. A Hilliard teacher with a lifelong passion of cooking is passing along her culinary skills to students at the centre. Last month, approximately 20 students in grades 2-5 completed the learning course. Each week the children get to explore cuisines of different countries and learn the preparation steps that are required before cooking the food, such as proper utensils and cutting techniques. To read more, visit: