Western Chef Chris Salans Goes Asian

by Clover Ng @ 04 Jul 2014
Western Chef Chris Salans Goes Asian It is no longer a surprise to have a mix of Asian chefs heading to the Western world or vice versa and fusion has been the “in” word lately, but what does it take to stand out? Mozaic Restaurant in Bali’s Ubud could possibly be one of the best places to dine in Bali and in the travellers’ haven where premium food is available everywhere, we discover the secret to Mozaic Restaurant. Taking charge behind the scenes is Chef Chris Salans who has worked with plenty of Michelin-starred chefs prior to his entourage en Bali. A transition from New York to Bali wasn’t an easy one where he has no idea how locals would react to what he has in the menu. How did he overcome this? Read on at http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/features/chef-chris-salans-talks-cooking-western-food-asia/.