Automated Food Order and Delivery System at Refurbished TungLok Teahouse

by Olivia Tiboleng @ 02 Dec 2016
Automated Food Order and Delivery System at Refurbished TungLok Teahouse The first to be adopted by a Chinese restaurant in Singapore, TungLok Teahouse at Square 2 have recently installed a new ordering system. Using an interactive iPad, you may place your order and sit back till your order is sent to you on an automated track – similar to a conveyor belt or a rail train, as your dishes will stop right at your table. TungLok has also been known to be a strong advocate of the use of technology in its restaurants.
As said by Andrew Tijoe, Executive Chairman of TungLok, “From the customers’ perspective, orders are taken and processed much quicker with the new system.  Once they are seated, they can immediately place their orders on the iPad.  The food arrives piping hot on the automated trays by their table side.  It’s easy, quick and fun.”