Why Airplane Food Tastes Different (It's Science!)

by Siti Zawani @ 24 Dec 2015
Why Airplane Food Tastes Different (It's Science!) Eating on a plane wasn't always joyless. We think. It feels so long ago that hot meals were a guarantee... Now, mid-air dining poses one of the greatest challenges between two wings, with passengers wondering: What should I order? Should I even bother to order? Should I just bring food on the plane? What should I bring? And why does everything taste so weird?

To start: Cabin humidity is typically low on a plane – between 10 to 20 % – which can dry out your nose and affect your sense of smell. Recycled air combined with air-conditioning makes food dry up quickly, which explains why most meals go heavy on the sauce. There’s even a secret to ordering airline meals, and food that you’ll want to try on your next flight. To find out more, read about it here:  http://goo.gl/Dgtkjt