Chef Fabrice Vulin is Entrusted With and Serves Up the World’s Most Expensive Meat

by Siti Zawani @ 11 Dec 2015
Chef Fabrice Vulin is Entrusted With and Serves Up the World’s Most Expensive Meat Only one butcher in the world, Frenchman Alexandre Polmard, offers (arguably) the ultimate in unique — and expensive — meat. The young farmer, breeder and butcher is the sixth generation to work in the eponymous family business, which was founded in 1846.

The way it works is cold air is blown at speeds of 75 miles per hour over the meat in a -45 F environment. This allows meat to be kept for any length of time — and, according to Polmard, with absolutely no loss of quality.

The 2000 vintage cote de boeuf (rib steak) can command $3,200. Arguably the chef that Polmard trusts most anywhere around the world is fellow Frenchman Fabrice Vulin at two-Michelin-star restaurant Caprice in Hong Kong’s Four Seasons Hotel. As Chef Vulin explains, what sets the taste apart is the gentle acidity and a texture like no other — you barely even need a knife to cut it. Read the full story at