
by Siti Zawani @ 30 Oct 2015
“forest” Pickled Shimeji
500g shimeji
4 coriander stems
2 (each) garlic cloves, crushed, and oranges, zested
100ml (each) water and rice vinegar
25ml (each) olive oil, sesame oil and balsamic vinegar
20ml light soy sauce
12g sugar
3g grated ginger
Fine salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Cep Sabayon
100g dried porcini, roasted
1kg butter
3 (each) whole eggs and egg yolks
10ml aged Xeres vinegar
5ml lemon juice
2g agar

Hazelnut Crumble
165g breadcrumbs
150g (each) salted butter and maltodextrose
100g hazelnut powder, toasted
10g icing sugar

Grilled Portobello
10 portobello
A dash of extra virgin olive oil
10g thyme

Sautéed Black Trumpet Mushroom
butter, for sautéing
200g black trumpet mushrooms
20g (each) diced shallots and julienned parsley

Parsley Sponge
150ml mineral water
60g butter
100g parsley
3 whole eggs
100g flour
5g yeast
4g salt
Mourrons des oiseau, burnet, garlic flower, capucine leaves, fried buckwheat, black truffe slices and parsley coulis, for garnishing

• For the pickled shimeji: Blanch the shimeji in a pot of boiling salted water for about a minute. Drain well and set aside. Place all the remaining ingredients into a saucepan and heat water to a boil. Add in the blanched shimeji and cook for another 5 minutes. Transfer the shimeji mixture into a jar, cover and store in a cool place.

• For the cep sabayon: Mix the roasted dried porcini with the butter and infuse for about 3 hours at room temperature. Mix 250g cep butter with the remaining ingredients. Transfer the mixture into an siphon and charge twice. Place the siphon in a water-bath at 45°C.

• For the hazelnut crumble: Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and freeze the mixture. Once frozen, spread the hazelnut mixture onto a baking tray and bake in a pre-heated oven at 175°C, for about 6 minutes.

• For the grilled portobello: Marinate the portobello with the olive oil and thyme in a mixing bowl. Season with fine salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Grill the marinated portobello over a prepared hot charcoal grill until charred. Cut the grilled portobello into cubes.

• For the sautéed black trumpet mushroom: Heat the butter in a sauté pan. Add in the black trumpet mushrooms, diced shallots and julienned parsley and sauté until fragrant.

• For the parsley sponge: Heat 150ml mineral water and the butter in a saucepan over a low heat until butter has melted. Set aside. Place the parsley into a food processor and gradually add in the butter mixture and pulse briefly. Set aside. Whisk the whole eggs in a mixing bowl; add in the four, yeast and salt and whisk to a smooth batter. Pour the batter into the food processor and pulse until smooth. Transfer the parsley batter into a siphon and charge twice. Keep the parsley sponge chilled in the refrigerator overnight.

• Assemble all the components onto each serving plate and top with all the garnishes. Serves 10