Beat The Summer Heat With Ricola's Limited Edition Tangy Berry

by Cristabel Chia @ 03 Jun 2016
Beat The Summer Heat With Ricola's Limited Edition Tangy Berry Ricola, the leading Swiss herb drop brand, launches a new flavour, Tangy Berry, in time for summer to help refresh our throats and beat the heat wave. This new sugar-free herb drop will be on sale for a limited period only, has an enjoyable tangerine-like fruity taste, thanks to the main ingredient, Sea Buckthorn berries juice. Each herb drop also contains the refreshing and soothing benefit from Ricola’s unique 13-herb blend, invented by its founder, Emil Richterich in 1940.
Packaged in a handy pocket box, the sugar-free Ricola Tangy Berry is priced at $3.35 per box (recommended retail price) and is now available at all major supermarkets, convenience stores and pharmacies island-wide.