Enjoy the Food, not the Twitter Feed

by Siti Zawani @ 04 Dec 2015
Enjoy the Food, not the Twitter Feed When it was announced that Sriracha powder was coming to the UK, Twitter was abuzz, imagining all the things that could be doused in this magical red dust. No one seemed to notice that chilli powder has been around for centuries or that what makes Sriracha good is that it is a sauce.

Sriracha exemplifies the problem with food on social media in general. These new global forms of communication should be widening our culinary horizons. Often, however, they only reinforce us in our limited tastes through a kind of faddish group hysteria.

Social media has changed the basic ways that many people relate to food. Most ‘shares’ are really boasts, dressed up with Instagram filters. Spend too long staring at these photogenic creations and you start to judge meals more on looks than taste. What’s your take on the relationship between food and the (Instagram) filters? Read the full story here: http://goo.gl/ZBi4So