Sorting the Chefs from Technical Chefs

by Siti Zawani @ 23 Oct 2015
Sorting the Chefs from Technical Chefs A new not-for-profit association has been established to recognise chefs who have achieved the necessary skills and abilities to become a Technical Chef.

The Australian Institute of Technical Chefs (AITC) has been established by a passionate team of professional chefs who feel the title “chef’ has been hijacked and at the mercy of self-regulation. “A chef in Australia is not a regulated trade’s person, which means that the standards of education, training, professional development and ethical practices are entirely reliant on the individual,” said AITC president George Hill. Head on over to to get a better idea of who the AITC deems fit for the rightful title of ‘chef’ as its eligibility clause states “TechnicalChefs have industry and community recognition, creditability, status, reputation, and a professional title as a fully qualified chef based on evidence.”