Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022! 2021 has been a momentous year for the Food & Beverage industry in Singapore, and we can agree that through the ups and downs, much of what we have experienced has been, in some ways, an uphill battle.

In this moment in time, let us remind ourselves that despite the issues of 2021, we take comfort in knowing that food is still there for us. For every hit that the F&B industry has taken, we have also had new businesses and ideas develop and taken shape, with new brands opening up nearly every day. With people taking the chance to create something new every day, 2022 is sure to be an exciting new endeavour.

But for now, in the comfort of your homes, in the arms of your family, your friends, your loved ones, and everyone in between, don’t forget to steal some moments of joy, peace, and good will, for a new day, and a new year, will arrive in tow.

From the team at Peter Knipp Holdings, FoodServices Consultants Singapore, Cuisine & Wine Asia, and the World Gourmet Summit, we would love to wish you a very happy new year!